Top 10 Countries Where Women Far Outnumber Men

Latvia has the largest female population share, followed by Lithuania and Curacao. The sex ratio, also known as the gender ratio, is the proportion of men to women in a population. It represents the number of men per 100 females. The ideal ratio is between 105 and 107:100, which means 105 to 107 men for every 100 women. This optimal ratio was discovered in 1710, and additional study has confirmed the findings. When men outnumber women, homicide and violence may ensue. Where women outnumber males, a gender wage disparity is likely to have an influence on a country’s economy. The number of men on the planet is somewhat more than the number of women. However, there are countries where women outnumber men, as per World Bank data.

Women Far Outnumber Men
Women Far Outnumber Men

10 Countries Where Women Far Outnumber Men


Latvia is a former Soviet Union country where the male population fell dramatically during WWII. In 2015, there were 84.8 men for every 100 females. Females accounted for 54.10% of the total population. Men in Latvia die at a high rate due to variables such as intoxication, smoking, and reckless driving. Men commit more than 80% of suicides in Latvia, often as a result of unemployment and unmet financial goals. Women have an 11-year advantage in life expectancy over men.


The gender gap in Lithuania can be attributed to a variety of factors influencing male mortality. Men smoke at a greater rate than women, putting them at risk for a number of health issues. Male life expectancy is reduced even more by mental illnesses, unhappiness, suicide, and a high-risk culture. Women are anticipated to live to the age of 79.3, while men are predicted to live to the age of 68.1. Between the ages of 30 and 40, the gender gap worsens. Women made up 54.00% of the total population in 2015.


Curacao’s female population accounted for 53.90% of the total population in 2015. For every 100 women, there is a 92-man gender gap. Females have an 80.2 year life expectancy, while men have a 72.4 year life expectancy. The majority of women are between the ages of 15 and 64, and they live longer than men.


Women make up 53.7 percent of the Ukrainian population. Because Ukraine was a Soviet Union country, the gender disparity may be traced back to World War II. Both sexes have a life expectancy of 64 years. Men, on the other hand, have a life expectancy of 62 years, while women have a life expectancy of 74 years. Many men in Ukraine suffer from mental and other health problems that shorten their lives. When paired with high emigration rates, the two factors reduce the male population of the country.

READ MORE: Top 10 Low Female Workforce Participation Countries

Far Reaching Implications Of Gender Gaps

Men outweigh women in the majority of the world’s countries. There aren’t many countries in the world with more females. The gender discrepancies in these nations are the result of war and turmoil. According to research, this disparity is undesirable. These countries have a large number of educated women who earn a good living yet are unable to find partners. Wage disparities between men and women put further strain on the economy of these countries.

Which Country Has More Men Than Women?

Liechtenstein, China, Armenia, Hong Kong, India, Azerbaijan, Vietnam, and Albania have more males than women.

Top 10 Countries Where Women Outnumber Men

RankCountryPopulation of Female (% of total)
6Russian Federation53.50
8El Salvador53.10
8Hong Kong SAR, China53.10

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