Top 25 Safest Countries To Drive In

Access to good roads, safe automobiles, and education all contribute to these countries’ low vehicular mortality rates. While worldwide road deaths are on the rise, certain countries have extremely low rates of highway fatalities. Countries with low rates of road traffic fatalities are often wealthy nations with an effective transport infrastructure. Countries with low traffic fatalities are distinguished by tight enforcement of traffic regulations, the adoption of safer vehicle designs, separate lanes for pedestrians and bicycles, and low-speed restrictions, particularly in metropolitan areas. The following Safest Countries to Drive In have the lowest rates of road fatalities in the world:

Safest Countries To Drive In.
Safest Countries To Drive In.

Countries With the Lowest Rates of Highway Traffic Deaths in the World


Monaco, renowned for its Grand Prix races, boasts one of the world’s lowest traffic mortality rates, registering zero deaths per 100,000 residents. The city-state diligently oversees its public transport system, scrutinizing planned transit infrastructures to meet safety standards for pedestrians and vehicle operators alike. Monaco enforces rules on drunk driving and helmet usage, proving effective in accident prevention. To curb speeding, the urban speed limit is capped at 70 km/h. With a small population and fewer registered automobiles compared to other nations, Monaco stands out as one of the safest countries to drive in.


Micronesia, comprised of islands with varying levels of development, maintains a low traffic death rate of 1.9 per 100,000 inhabitants. Despite less developed roads and traffic regulations, Micronesia’s smaller islands with minimal or no automobiles contribute to the overall low fatality rates. Larger islands, such as Pohnpei, also exhibit remarkably low mortality rates. The country’s reduced number of vehicles, coupled with its low population, mitigates the risk of traffic accidents, distinguishing Micronesia as a comparatively safe nation for driving.


Sweden, with a mortality rate of 2.8 per 100,000 inhabitants, boasts one of the world’s safest transit networks. The country prioritizes pedestrian safety by implementing zones that shield them from vehicles, and cyclist zones are separated from main roads by barriers. A low-speed limit in urban areas, strict enforcement of drunk-driving regulations, and the presence of speed bumps and well-lit zebra crossings further contribute to the rarity of road accidents in Sweden, securing its position as the third safest country to drive in.


Kiribati, an island confederation with a small population, maintains a low traffic death rate of 2.9 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. The limited number of automobiles in Kiribati, combined with a metropolitan speed limit of 40 km/h, helps mitigate the risk of speeding-related accidents. Stringent enforcement of laws against drunk and drug-driving, along with strict adherence to seatbelt rules, contributes to the overall road safety in Kiribati.

The Rest of the World Lags Well Behind In Road Safety

In contrast, the rest of the world falls behind in road safety, with the United States reporting an annual road traffic mortality rate of 10.6 per 100,000 people and Canada registering a rate of 6.0 per 100,000 people. Far exceeding these figures are countries like Thailand and Malawi, where yearly traffic deaths surpass 30 per 100,000 people. Acknowledging the rights of non-motorists on the road, enhancing driver education initiatives, and enforcing stricter vehicle safety regulations are identified as crucial measures to reduce highway fatalities globally. Monaco stands out as the country with the least car accidents, boasting a remarkable car accident fatality rate of 0 per 100,000 residents.

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Which Country Has the Least Car Accidents?

The microstate of Monaco has the lowest car accident fatality rate in the world, at 0 per 100,000 residents.

Lowest Rates of Roadside Deaths Worldwide

RankCountryRoad traffic death rate (per 100 000 population) in 2013
5United Kingdom2.9
6San Marino3.2

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