Top 10 Coffee Consuming Nations In the World

The world’s top coffee-consuming countries, as measured by per capita consumption. With a Starbucks on practically every corner, McDonalds switching to McCafe, and With Dunkin Donuts as a morning staple, it’s impossible to believe that Americans consume more coffee than anybody else. Nonetheless, the United States is a medium-sized beverage in a sea of extra-large coffee-drinking nations in terms of per capita coffee consumption.

While coffee drinking started in Yemen in the 15th century, and the image of a Parisian cafe or a Roman espresso bar is often the first thought when it comes to the ‘home’ of coffee users, none of these nations are among the top ten in terms of how much coffee each inhabitant eats. So, how do different countries compare in terms of coffee consumption?

Coffee Consuming Nations In the World
Coffee Consuming Nations In the World

Coffee Consuming Nations In the World

10 – Canada: 6.5 kg per capita

Canada is the only non-European country in the world’s top ten coffee producers. From east to west, Canadians like coffee. Despite the prevalence of large chains across the country, every city in Canada has a handful of independent retailers. The coffee is so popular in this 33-million-person country that the Coffee Association of Canada declares it the most frequently consumed beverage in the country.

Despite the popularity of coffee shops in Canada, many people prefer to sip their coffee at home. Cold weather and lengthy winters have been identified as a prominent pull factor, enticing locals to indulge in the attraction of the hot brown beverage.

9 – Luxembourg: 6.5 kg per capita

Luxembourg is a little country with a huge coffee addiction. This little Western European country drinks around 6.5 kg of alcohol per capita per year. In Luxembourg City’s capital, coffee shops abound, serving both regular filter drip coffee and innovative cocktails. A “lait Russe,” or “Russian Milk,” which is essentially a latte, and a “cafe gourmand,” a type of espresso drink that originated in France and is designed to be served with dessert, are two Luxembourg-specific espresso beverages.

8 – Belgium: 6.8 kg per capita

When you think of Belgium, you might think of waffles and beer, but Belgium has a long history of combining their national affinity with chocolate with their 1.35 cups of coffee each day. Belgium, a former African colonial power, was able to supply its coffee demand by farming the plant in the Congo and Rwanda. With coffee shops in every town, it’s easy to acquire a quick cup to go with the country’s famed waffles, which are the equivalent of a donut.

7 – Switzerland: 7.9 kg per capita

Coffee is a popular social activity in Switzerland, as it is in many other countries on this list. Espresso-based beverages, such as the “caffè crema,” a type of espresso drink similar to an Americano that is said to have originated near the Italian border in Switzerland, are particularly popular in this central European country. Filtered coffee is less popular in Switzerland than in many Scandinavian nations.

Coffee may be an expensive delight for the average Swiss, who consumes up to five cups each day, with a cup of coffee at a café costing up to 3.5 US dollars.

6 – Sweden: 8.2 kg per capita

In Sweden, the term “fika” literally means “to have coffee.” This concept denotes the pairing of cookies or pastries. A “fika” can refer to a variety of situations, such as a work break or a social gathering. The one thing they all have in common is the use of coffee.

Coffee is taken seriously by many Swedes, to the point that it is more than simply a beverage in the country, but a way of life. Coffee, while it may be enjoyed in the seclusion of one’s own home, is primarily a social encounter. Coffee shops, both chain and independent, abound in major cities such as Stockholm.

5 – Netherlands: 8.4 kg per capita

Pieter van der Broecke returned from Yemen with live coffee plants in 1616, making the Dutch the first Europeans to acquire them. The beans from these coffee bushes were then used to establish Dutch coffee cultivation, with Java and Suriname eventually becoming major coffee exporters to Europe.

Nowadays, coffee shops in Amsterdam are well-known for serving coffee alongside another specialty item, marijuana, but don’t let that cloud your judgment; coffee culture in the Netherlands is still vibrant and diverse. On average, the Dutch drink 1.84 cups of coffee each day.

For “Koffietijd” (Coffee Time), coffee is offered in the house, generally with cookies and pastries. Surprisingly, coffee culture is divided along religious lines as well as north and south. The north has always been populated by Protestants who like to serve coffee with only one biscuit as a humility gesture. Koffietijd is generally served with “vlaai,” a huge sweet pie, in the south, which is historically populated by Roman Catholics.

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4 – Denmark: 8.7 kg per capita

If the Nordic nations dominate over coffee, this country is the Danish Prince of the hot brown beverage. Every day, the typical citizen in the kingdom consumes 1.46 cups of coffee.

In Denmark, coffee is frequently offered with each meal, and it becomes the center point for special celebrations, served with cookies, cakes, and little sandwiches. Danish coffee is the world’s sixth most expensive, so each of those 1.46 cups costs them a pretty bit. So go out and get a Danish-made Bodum coffee press and some aptly named danishes, and think about spring in Copenhagen.

3 – Iceland: 9 kg per capita

There must be some connection between cold places and coffee – perhaps it adds the perfect touch of coziness to being home on a cold, rainy day. Iceland, like its northern European counterparts, drinks an average of 5 cups of coffee per person every day!

In Iceland’s capital, Reykjavik, you won’t find coffee behemoths like Starbucks or Second Cup. Smaller, independent coffee shops abound around the city, many of which are within walking distance of one another. If there was any question that Iceland takes its coffee seriously, contests put baristas and roasters against one another in pursuit of the best brew in the country.

2 – Norway: 9.9 kg per capita

Coffee, like in most European nations, became popular among Norway’s aristocracy in the early 18th century. Even though Norway was a poor country at the time, being ruled by Denmark had its benefits, like tons of cheap coffee.

Kaffe is often taken black in the morning and with dessert in the evening. Norwegians regularly invite friends over specifically for coffee, which is accompanied by cakes and pastries. The average Norwegian eats about two cups of coffee each day, implying that the country’s approximately 5 million residents consumed a total of 36,472,000kg in 2012. If you ever find yourself in rural Norway, try “karsk,” a drink made from weakly brewed coffee and a large portion of vodka or moonshine.

If it’s too strong, you can always put it on fire to burn off some of the alcohol!

1 – Finland: 12 kg per capita

If you’ve ever met a Finn, you’ll know that the national average of 12 kg per capita is probably too low for the vast majority of Finns. If children were not taken into account, the national average would be much higher!

Coffee is often consumed throughout the day, every day, and most labor unions require coffee breaks. A coffee table – a buffet of cold sandwiches, breads, pastries, and cakes, as well as an endless supply of “khavi” – is used to commemorate significant occasions and post-church luncheons.

The most popular coffees in Finland are very light roasts, significantly lighter than anywhere else in the world. This most likely started when Finns bought green coffee berries to roast at home.

The traditional Finn method of making coffee is a variant on Turkish coffee in which water and coffee grounds are repeatedly brought to a simmer.

The Finnish coffee culture may be influenced by several factors such as Lutheran work ethic, Swedish dominance, and multiple coffee restrictions, but one thing is certain: coffee isn’t going away anytime soon. If you are ever welcomed to a Finnish house, expect steaming pots of coffee – just don’t ask for decaf, as it is almost non-existent in this Nordic country.

Which Countries Drink the Most Coffee?

Finland, Norway, and Iceland are the top three coffee-drinking countries in the world.

Top 25 Coffee Consuming Nations

RankCountryCoffee Consumption (Kg per Person Per Year)
11Bosnia and Herzegovina6.2
25United States4.2

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